New Schlage smart credential readers unveiled
18 August, 2010
Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies announced the availability of a new line of Schlage contactless smart credential readers – operating on 13.56 MHz frequency – and designed to address the industry’s current requirements while providing a foundation and scalability for future applications.
The new Schlage contactless smart credential readers provide improved security and support all applicable ISO 14443 and 15693 standards. They leverage MIFARE DESFire EV1 technology, and are encrypted with AES 128-bit diversified keys and include mutual authentication and a message authentication code (MAC) to ensure that data is safe.
The new Schlage readers, when used with new Schlage smart credentials, provide a baud rate transfer of up to 848 kbps between the credential and reader. These readers also come standard as FIPS 201/ PIV II compliant readers, ready to be used in government applications:
The SXF2200 Mid-Range Contactless Smart Credential Reader is ideal, with its provided read range, for mounting on single gang U.S. electrical boxes.
The SXF2210 Mid-Range Contactless Smart Credential Reader is for higher security applications where two factor (card and/or pin number) authentications are desirable.