Smart Card Alliance Physical Access Council Focuses on Government Implementations in its Second Year
22 June, 2007
The U.S. government’s migration to new physical access control systems (PACS) to be used with federally mandated FIPS 201 Personal Identity Verification (PIV) smart cards was the top priority for the Smart Card Alliance Physical Access Council last year. The Council today announced second year successes, new officers and upcoming projects. The Physical Access Council brings together government and industry leaders within the Alliance to provide guidance to organizations on how to implement smart card-based physical access control systems.
The Council was highly active in providing educational resources to assist in implementing FIPS 201 PIV cards for physical access, all available at the Smart Card Alliance Physical Access Council. This includes two publications: “FIPS 201 PIV II Card Use with Physical Access Control Systems: Recommendations to Optimize Transaction Time and User Experience” and “Considerations for the Migration of Existing Physical Access Control Systems to Achieve FIPS 201 Compatibility.”
“In the upcoming year, the Council will continue to work with NIST, ISC, government agencies and other industry associations to resolve issues with FIPS 201 implementation, as well as to develop best practices for using FIPS 201 PIV cards for physical access,” said new Physical Access Council Chair Roger Roehr, Tyco.
Read the full press release at the Smart Card Alliance.