20 May, 2009
Diebold Inc. announced GateMaster, a security system designed for points of entry to military bases and other government campuses. GateMaster provides tools that assist in the positive identification of entering personnel and visitors, verification of vehicles and detection of unauthorized entry attempts.
GateMaster is an automated gate entry solution that integrates RFID, access control, bar code, U.S. Defense Department Common Access Card and FIPS 201-compliant readers, ground sensors, IT communication, barrier products and data management software. The solution also coordinates devices for the automatic regulation of traffic, such as gates and turnstiles, and it can be integrated with existing barrier systems.
Additionally, GateMaster provides a credentialing component for enrollment and authorization of personnel and visitors.
GateMaster is an extension of Diebold’s LINX Predator Elite system and can be used at the most complex entry points. LINX Predator Elite is a platform that integrates all security functions, enabling control and monitoring of an entire site from a single command-and-control station.